Thursday, April 2, 2009

Comcast / TIVO Issues in Boston Area

Last week a happened across this article written by a Comcast customer in the Boston area that was/is having issues with his TIVO box. According to the article it isn't just him but many other customers in the area that are experiencing issues. I didn't think much of the article as my TIVO has been working fine......until tonight.
  • A couple shows we had a season pass set up for did not record.
  • I can not manually record any shows
  • I can not delete any previously recorded shows.

I can watch saved shows but that is pretty much it. I first tried the standard restarting the box procedure which did not fix the issue. So I got on the line with Comcast Customer Service who seemed to hint around that they had been seeing some issues but did not come right out and say it. She had me restart the box again which again did not fix the problem and she sent some codes to the box which apparently told her that the box was functioning. Since not of that fixed the issue she had me unplug the box and then plug it back in which also did not fix the issue.

So I now have a problem ticket open with Comcast and a technician scheduled to come out to my house on Sunday. I guess I will have to just wait and see what happens. Interested to see if any other customers are experiencing similar problems and what the resolution was. I have a feeling though that I will be getting a new box on Sunday.

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