It looks like you can see the current month's data usage as well as the past 3 months. Fortunately I am not even getting close to the data limits. But I don't currently watch many movies online or download that much data. But I can see how some customers may have an issue with the data limits. With everyone in a family having a computer now I can see a large family hitting the limit if there are kids in the family streaming movies and such all day long. At this point movie streaming is not as common place as it will be in a couple years from now. Even Netflix only offers a small percentage of their movies for download. But eventually I think we will see DVDs go away and all movies will be streamed. When this happens Comcast will either have to bump up the data usage limits or offer a new pricing tier for high data usage customers.
A couple more details about the Data Usage meter:
- The email I recieved announcing the launch said it was now available in my area (North of Boston). It may not be available in your area yet.
- The data usage meter tracks total household data usage (not individual users/computers).
- The data usage calculation includes downloads and uploads.
- The usage meter is only available to primary user accounts and unrestricted secondary user accounts with billing access.